Almas Creativas

A modern tribute to a sacred artform.


  • Visual identity

  • Asset library

  • Environmental signage

  • Printed and digital promotional materials

  • Branded merchandise


Almas Creativas was an exhibition hosted by the Briscoe Western Art Museum from October 28th to November 8th. It served as a showcase of Huichol art in celebration of the Day of the Dead.

Honoring tradition was the guiding principle when tasked with designing the visual identity. The centerpiece of the design is a meticulous recreation of a Huichol beaded skull, composed of individual colored dots. The same beaded motif was utilized in the lettering of the event title. A rich gamut of colors are used for each dot, with a particular emphasis on yellow, red, and orange. These tones represent the color of marigold flowers, revered by the Huichol as a symbol of immortality.


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